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Land of Yes


Who is “I”? What is it capable of? You know. In the Land of Yes workshop, we will draw from the deep, infinite, and clear well that is us. We will use the practice of affirmations to affirm and ground the potential that lies within us. The workshop is open to the general public (This is an experiential consciousness workshop, not involving physical movement).

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Carte Blanche

In French, carte blanche means "blank card", open check, complete freedom without any restrictions.

The Carte Blanche workshop is a creative space for imagination, experimentation, alternative presence, and dreaming. It is intended for professional and beginner dance, performance artists and physical theater creators.

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Choreographer’s Life


This hands-on workshop is designed for students in choreography, dance, visual theater and performance art. Students will acquire practical tools for bringing their ideas to life, like mindset, emotional aspects, collaborative work, applications, presentations and more. The workshop is also beneficial for those interested in pursuing other fields, both within and outside the arts.

Duration: 2 meetings

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Be; PoemBody

Performance and Poetry Workshop in Collaboration with Yaari Shelem


Poetry can speak the hidden. From the body of the language, it creates spaces, opens and disrupts, penetrates, traces movement, searches for voices, presence, it expands. We will explore the experience of the body as a poem and the poem as a body - What happens in different states of movement and awareness? How to perform it? How to create spaces in and from which to act? How to think of action as a poetic system and enact it as a ritual? We will experiment with the possibilities of containment, listening to the inner voice and finding ways in which it manifests in the present moment, in time of repetition, multiplicity or circular time, in the connections between language and non-language. We will enjoy the hidden potential of shared practice. The workshop is suitable for creators in all fields of art. Duration: 3 meetings.

סביון שנהר ויערי שלם

Embrace - Body, Passion, Thought, Truth and Deception

What is a performance? What are the possibilities of a thinking, performing body? What drives us? What limits or scares us and how can we sculpt it? What are we performing? Is it possible not to perform? How do we observe and respond in order to open up and be open? What are we rehearsing on rehearsals? Is it possible to narrow the gap between intention and its realization? We will connect with performance practices, we will experiment with Savyon’s practices and we will develop new practices; we will respond to and challenge each other; we will read, write, photograph, dance, live and die - performance.  The workshop is suitable for people with or without a background in performance, active artists or potential artists, body people, word people. Duration: 5 meetings.


Travel & Trouble 


Each body is a radical body, mysterious body.

The nature of the body is once you step into it – it changes and changes you.

“Travel & Trouble” is a practice Savyon developed during her residency in Germany. It’s a physical mental session, a journey in which you are the view and you are the viewer, a space to experience otherness, a structure of becoming.

The workshop was held in various settings in Berlin and Stuttgart, including the Soft Power Palace Festival.  The score and insights about it were published as an article in the online art magazine Schloss-Post:

סדנאות מחול סביון שנהר

The Questions Practice

A discursive practice by Sirah Foighel Brutmann and Eitan Efrat.

The practice consists of a set of basic rules, for example - one should speak only in questions, one should direct the questions to the center of the circle and not to a particular participant, one should not ask rhetorical questions, there is no particular order between the participants and so on.

Following an experience with the Questions practice, Savyon adopted it as a tool for creative processes and passed it on, with the blessing of Sirah and Eitan, in workshops in Israel and Europe, for example Hanut Gallery in Tel Aviv, Solitude in Stuttgart and more.

סביון שנהר סדנאות מחול


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